Shoppingcart using PHP Sessions - Miniproject
Shopping cart using PHP Sessions, MySQL In this tutorial, you are going to learn how to build a simple shopping cart project using PHP and MySQL. It is a basic project aimed for beginners . This project uses PHP Session to implement shopping cart. Within the session, a cart is created. Sessions allows you managing the products in the cart. Such as… adding product to the cart, modifying the product quantity, deleting the product finding the total number of products in the cart. etc. Download source code from the given link: Note: Scan the code with antivirus and use it. Download Here are steps to accomplish the project. Just follow them. STEP-1 Create a project in a server. Create an image's folder inside the project folder. As given in the picture. Copy some sample products images in that. GO TOP↑ STEP-2: Start server. Open PhpMyAdmin tool in a browser, Create a database, with name shoppingcartdb. Create Table. And insert Data using the given queri...