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JavaScript Basics

JavaScript Functions

JavaScript Objects

JavaScript Events

JavaScript Validations



Who will Learn JavaScript?

As a beginner with no programming knowledge to start learn coding, JavaScript the best option. JavaScript is simple and easiest language to start your programming career. It is a beginners friendly language. 

What are the prerequisites

HTML knowledge.  

Why JavaScript?

Currently, JavaScript  is one of the most popular scripting language. There are many frameworks built on top of that, which are widely using on modern websites.
Once you master JavaScript you can get start with any other frame works like jQuery, ReactJS, AngularJS and so on. These are widely used  frameworks to beautify websites in various ways. JavaScript is simple and easy to learn. No software required. It is browser based scripting language, all modern browsers supports. You can use it on any browser on any platform(Windows, mac, Linux). With little effort in a short period of time, you can become a pro, and can build small applications. 

Career Scope

 You can get start your career as a front-end developer. JavaScript's programmers are high in demand, from small startups to the big companies all over the world. There are plenty of job opportunities out here in the field of frontend developer. You can become a full-time developer or can work as a freelancer.  
So learning JavaScript gives guarantee of a stable career and certainly increases your earning potential as a developer.



 Happy coding…!!





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