PHP Date Functions




Dealing with Date and Time in PHP


In this article we discuss some widely used date functions in PHP.

Table of Contents

  •  date()
  •  getdate()
  •  strftime()
  •  time()
  •  maketime()

 **All dates only works when you run PHP in server.**

1. date() Function in PHP


The inbuilt PHP function date() is the most widely used method of returning date values.

$today = date('d-m-y'); 
print $today ."<br>";
$today = date('d m y');
print $today."<br>";
$today = date('d~m~y');
print $today ."<br>";
$today = date('D M Y');  
print $today ."<br>";
27 09 21
Mon Sep 2021


*** Current time depends on the timezone set in Apache. 

Timezone can be set as follows:


To display current timezone, use:



To find the timezone  of specific location use the following link:


Changing time zone to print local time.


print "<br>Current TimeZone: ". date_default_timezone_get();

print "<br>TimeZone: ". date_default_timezone_get();
$time = date('h:i:s a'); //current time 10:45:17 am
print "<br>Time: ".$time;
Current TimeZone: Europe/Berlin
TimeZone: Asia/Kolkata
Time: 12:19:16 pm

Time in 24 hours format 

$time = date('G:i T'); 
print "<br>". $time;


12:21 IST

G Hours (0 through 23)
T Timezone abbreviation ex: Examples: EST, MDT ...
i Minutes

2. strftime() Function in PHP

Format a local time/date according to locale settings
%c Preferred date and time stamp based on locale

print "<br>strftime=". strftime('%c');  
09/27/21 12:22:50 

3. getdate() Function in PHP

$date_array = getdate();
foreach ( $date_array as $key => $val
    print " $key = $val <br />";
    print ("<br>");
seconds = 1
minutes = 55
hours = 8
mday = 27
wday = 1
mon = 9
year = 2021
yday = 269
weekday = Monday
month = September
0 = 1632725701

Array ( [seconds] => 1 [minutes] => 55 [hours] => 8 [mday] => 27 [wday] => 1 [mon] => 9 [year] => 2021 [yday] => 269 [weekday] => Monday [month] => September [0] => 1632725701 )

you can create custom date using  above array as shown below:

$date_array = getdate();
print "Today's date: ";
print $date_array['mday'] . "/". $date_array['mon'] . "/".$date_array['year'];



Today's date: 27/9/2021

4. time() Function in PHP


time(): function generates a time in long integer


$t = time();
echo "<br />timestring :" .$t;  
echo "<br />time format" .date ("l, F jS", $t);



timestring :1632729371
time formatMonday, September 27th


time format string:

week l (lowercase L),
month F,
date j (01 to 31)
date suffix S (nd,rd,th).



5. maketime() Function in PHP


If it is your preferred date, then you can generate a time stamp using mktime().

mktime ( hour, minute, second, month, date, year)



$t = mktime(0, 0, 0, 1, 31, 2013); // custom datetime long integer
echo "<br /> datetime :".date ("l, F jS", $t);

datetime :Thursday, January 31st 

$tomorrow = mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m") , date("d")+1, date("Y"));
echo "<br />Tomorrow :". $tomorrow; // 1377592773
echo "<br />Tomorrow :". date ("l, F jS Y ", $tomorrow);

$lastmonth = mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m")-1, date("d"), date("Y"));
echo "<br />Lastmonth:". date ("l, F jS Y ",$lastmonth);  

$nextyear = mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m"), date("d"), date("Y")+1);
echo "<br />Nextyear:". date ("l, F jS Y ",$nextyear);  



Tomorrow :1632780000
Tomorrow :Tuesday, September 28th 2021
Lastmonth:Friday, August 27th 2021
nextyear:Tuesday, September 27th 2022




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