Working with phpmyadmin tool

Working with PhpMyAdmin in XAMPP

What is PhpMyAdmin in PHP

PhpMyAdmin is a GUI(Graphical User Interface) tool for MySQL Database. This is bundled with Xampp, no need to install separately.

Why we Use it

  •  Database management.
  • Tables structure management



How to Open PhpMyAdmin

  • First open XMPP control panel
  • Start Apache server next
  • Start the MySQL server and click on the admin button of MySQL server. Or you can open with the link:http://localhost/phpmyadmin/

Creating Databases

Click on Databases Tab 

In create database box, enter the name of the database and click create button







Creating Table

  • Click on Database "usersdb".
  • In the bottom in create table box, enter table name and number of columns and click on Go.
  • In the next window provide all the field names, field datatype, field size and click on Save.

Specifying Field names, Data Types and sizes

For table register field details are as given below

id             INT(11)
username VARCHAR(50)
password VARCHAR(15)
mobile     VARCHAR(10)
email       VARCHAR(50)



Field Modifiers or Constrains

Null :   if set Not null the filed can be blank.

Default :   default value can be provided.

Unique :   selecting one or two fields can be unique key.

Autoincrement: column value incremented automatically.

Adding Keys

In structure tab, select the field and click primary key.[ ]

Selecting the Most Appropriate Data Type for the field

Type            MaxSize
char             256
varchar        65, 535.
tinytext        256 bytes
tinyint         128 to 127.
smallint       signed: -32768 to 32767

Altering Table Structure

By selecting structure tab, you can modify table properties such as

  • Adding new field or
  • Deleting existing field in the table
  • Altering Field Properties such as Datatype, size, not null, collation..etc. You can do it by clicking the change link of specific field.

Adding new Field 

Select table,

Select structure tab

Then you will see the below image. In the bottom panel, select the number of columns you want to add and select after which column from the dropdown, and click the go button. Next, One  new form is opened to enter field details such as name, type, size etc. enter the details and click on Save button.



Backing Up and Restoring Databases and Tables

From PhpMyAdmin, we can move data from one system to another using
  •  import 
  • export
Exporting: Backing Up Databases and Tables
Open database, select export tab, select type of exporting file(SQL., CSV, XML…etc.)
click Go

Importing:Restoring Databases and Tables from Backup

select import tab, click 'Browse' and select the file you want to import into the
current database.
And click Go


Dropping Databases and Tables

Click  databases tab, select the database from the databases list, and  click drop button

[ ] from the bottom of the window.

Dropping  Tables

Select the database table. It shows a list of tables, select the table and click drop button from same row.











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