PHP Basics tutorial Operators



Learn PHP Operators

 PHP provides different types of operators. In this tutorial, we discuss some of the operators that we use in coding very frequently.



Table of Contents

  1. Arithmetic Operators
  2. Assignment Operators.
  3. Comparison Operators 
  4. Logical Operators.
  5. Incrementing/Decrementing Operators.
  6. String Operators



Using different types of Operator in PHP

1. Arithmetic Operators [ + - * / % ] in PHP

  • addition(+)
  • subtraction(-) 
  • multiply(*)
  • division(/)
  • modular(%)


print (10 + 20 + 30);
$num1 = 10;
$ num2= 20;
$total = $ num1 + $ num2;
print 'Total = ' . $total;

Operator precedence

Order of evaluation of an expression

1) / * %
2) + -
3) = 


a * ( b+c/d ) * 22

the correct way is:

( a*b ) + ( c/d ) * 22


According to the expression first it goes to division and finally goes to multiplication addition, at last the result is printed.

Ex: a=2, b=3, c=8, d=2

What would be the result.

( 2 * 3 ) + ( 8 / 2 ) * 22 
    6     +     4   *   22
    6     +     88
$total = ( $m1 + $m2 + $m3 ) / 3;

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2. Assignment Operators in PHP.

These operators perform the operation and re-assign the result to the same variable.

Types of assignment operators.

=   $a=10;   // $a value is now 10 
+=  $a+=10   // $a value is now 20 

-=  $a-=5    // $a value is now 5
*=  $a*=5    // $a value is now 50
/=  $a/=2    // $a value is now 5 
$a = 10;
echo ("$a = ". ($a));  
//$a = $a+2; //also written as below with short 
$a += 2; // this is equal to ($a = $a+2).
echo ("a+=5". ($a)); // this is same as ($a = $a+5).
echo ("a-=5". ($a ));  // this is same as ($a = $a+5).
echo ("a*=5". ($a)); 
echo ("a/=5". ($a)); 


3. Comparison Operators in PHP.

>  greater than
<  less than
<= less than or equal 
>= greater than or equal 
!= not equal to
== equal to

4. Logical Operators in PHP.

Logical Operators are used to combine one or more conditions.

and → and
or  or
!  not

5. Incrementing/Decrementing Operators in PHP.

  • Increment operator (++)
  • Decrement operator (--)
i 11 i value incremented by 1
i 10 i value decremented by 1

6. String Operators in PHP.

In PHP, to concatenate/combine  two string dot(.) operator is used.

$a = "Hello ";
$b = $a . "World!"; // Now $b contains "Hello World!"
print $a;
$a = "Hello ";
$a .= "World!"; // Here $a contains "Hello World!"
print $a;




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