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 Java Servlets Tutorials Home


Servlets in Java. Servlets server-side pages resides in the server, and serves to end user with some response as per the request. Using Servlets, we can build websites in Java. To learn Servlets, one should know basic and advanced Java. This tutorial will gives you an overview of Servlet technologies and how to create a website using Servlets. To get start career in java or to do project in your academics, you should know Servlets.

 If you are a java beginner to Java? Visit the java Core Java tutorial and get start with Basic Java.


  1. Java Servlets Introduction

  2. Sending Parameters to Servlet in Java

  3. Httpservlet Methods in Java

  4. Sendredirect in Servlets

  5. Servlet Cookies

  6. Sessions in Servlets

  7. ServletConfig in Java

  8. ServletContext in Java

  9. Using SendRedirect() in Java Servlets

  10. Servlet and Html  in Java

  11. Servlets JDBC using MySQL  




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