Java Question and Answers



Java Practice Question on Core to Advanced Java. Try to find the solutions for the questions given below. If you need answers, please comment below.

Classes, Objects & Methods

1. What is Constructor Overloading and Method Overloading. Write a java program using them.

2. Write a java program that implements Inner class and show its Access protection.

3.  Accept two command line arguments and calculate sum of those using Java Program.

Arrays & Strings

4. Java Program to Add Two Matrix Using Multi-Dimensional Integers Array. 

5. A program for String handling, Accept a String value as a command line argument and convert it into uppercase

6. Write a Program in Java to concatenate two Strings values without using Library Functions.

7. Write a Java program to implement a parent class Shape and its subclasses Square, Rectangle, and Triangle. Calculate the area of each shape using abstract classes and methods.

Java Collections Framework

8. Write a Java program to create an Arraylist object with a list of strings, and using Iterator, display it on the console.

Using Lambda Expressions

9. A Java program to implement Lambda Expression with a single Integer parameter.  

10. A Java program to implement Lambda Expression with a two String parameters.

11. An interface that has a functional interface using Lambda Expressions.



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