ES6 Variables
ES6 Variables
Now, with ES6, there are three keywords available to define variables: They provide different levels of scope to access the variable. Based on the requirement, you can define variables with these keywords and control its accessibility.
- var
- let
- const
Using ES6 var
var x = 9.9;
If var declared outside a function, it belongs to the global scope.
If var declared inside a function, it belongs to that function.
If var declared inside the block, ex: in a for loop, the variable is still available outside that block.
var has a function scope, not a block scope.
Using ES6 let
let x = 9.9;
let is the block scoped version of var, and is limited to the block, where it is defined.
If you use let inside a block, i.e. a for loop, the variable is only available inside that loop.
let has a block scope.
Using ES6 const
const y = 9.9;
y=10; // It will result in an error
constant is a read only variable. Once it is initialized, it cannot be changed.
const has a block scope.
Actually It defines a constant reference to a value, not
not define a constant value.
With this reason, you can NOT Reassign:
a constant value
a constant array
a constant object
But you CAN change:
the elements of constant array and
the properties of constant object
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