Es6 Destructuring


Es6 Destructuring


What is Destructuring

Destructuring makes it easy to extract array values from any index.

Using Destructuring

With destructing, we can assign array items to variables:


const userdata = ['John', '', '123451234'];

const [name,email, phone] = userdata ;  // assiging array values to different variables.

When destructuring arrays, Keep in mind the order of the variables that you are providing. To extract only name,phone write the following way.

const [name,,phone] = userdata ;




Destructuring with Array Default values

The following example shows how Array Destructuring Assignment will work with array Default value.

const userdata = ['John', '', '123451234'];

onst [name = "John", email = ""] = ["Doe"];

console.log(name);  // Deo
console.log(email); //

Using array destructurning in function

// Define an array with two array values:
const profile = ["John", "Doe"];

// Define a function with one destructuring array containing two parameters:
function getUserData([fname, lname]) {
  return `My name is ${fname} ${lname}.`;

// Invoke data while passing the profile array as an argument:
data = getUserData(profile);





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