Read a line from text file in PHP




Reading a specific line from text file

Reading a specific line from text file and display it in HTML Page


This blog demonstrates how to read a specific row from a text file and display the details in an HTML page using PHP.

 You can find the demo1.php, states.txt files in the previous tutorials.




<title>Coding-zon tutorials</title>
<body bgcolor="">

<br /><br /><br /><br /> 

print "<br> <h2>State Information</h2><br />";
$file = file('states.txt');


$stateID= $_POST['stateID'];  //user selects from downdown

foreach($file as $row){

$cols= explode(';', $row); 
if( $cols[0] == $stateID){
   echo "<table border='1'>";
   echo "<tr><td>State Name :</td><td> ". $cols[1] ."</td><tr />";
   echo "<tr><td>Capital City :</td><td> ". $cols[2] ."</td><tr />";
   echo "<tr><td>Population :</td><td> ". $cols[4] ."</td><tr />";
   echo "</table>";

echo "<br>";






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