
Showing posts from August, 2022

AngularJS-14 Introduction

 AngularJS Tutorial for Beginners   This Angular 14 tutorial will be covering the latest version of the Angular framework and look at all the fundamentals, including the following topics.     Angular CLI     Components,     Module     Services     Datatype     Data binding     Arrays     Functions     Directives     Events     Forms     HTTP     Routing Introduction Angular is a platform and framework for building single-page client applications using HTML and TypeScript. Angular is written in Typescript. It uses full features of Typescript decorators, types, and other high level concepts of it. Angular is a component-based framework for building scalable web applications in an enterprise business world, It includes routing, forms, management client-server communications and more....

Servlet HTML

    Interacting with HTML forms using Java Servlets     ServletsHome For any website to receive data from user generally forms are used. These forms built using HTML language. You should have a basic HTML knowledge. If not yet have an idea on HTML, Please learn the Basics of HTML and proceed with this tutorial.   In this tutorial, you learn how to read data from forms and print it using servlets. Form contains different type of controls. Such as text boxes, checkboxes, radio buttons, combo boxes, textarea and so on. We learn how to use these control with different examples.   Example1:    This example having a form with input control - textbox and submit button.     hello.html      <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> <html> <head> <title></title> <meta http-equiv= "Content-Type" content= "text/html; charset=UTF-8" > </head> <b...

A Simple AJAX with JAVA Example

 A Simple AJAX with JSP example    Java Tutorial Home   What is Ajax? AJAX stands for Asynchronous JavaScript And XML, Ajax is a technique allows communicating with servers asynchronously. It means  at the same time, the server can receive the request and send the response to the client. Ajax implemented with the help of XMLHttpRequest Object. It is a predefined object supported by every browser. Supports different types of data formats such as  XML, HTML, JSON and text files.       In this tutorial, we are going to learn how to make an AJAX call using  JavaScript XMLHttpRequest Object using JSP and MySQL.   Table of Contents Project Structure jspAjaxDB.html jspAjaxDB.js jspAjaxDB.jsp Queries Result        Project Structure: Create a web project in eclipse create the following files which are marked in a picture and copy the code given below in those files. And create a table in the database and insert the dat...

PHP MySQL Fetch Functions Tutorial

 Types of mysqli_fetch Functions     Learn the difference between different types of mysql_fetch functions such as PHP mysqli_fetch_row(), PHP mysqli_fetch_array(), PHP mysqli_fetch_assoc(),   PHP mysqli fetch_object(). While working with MySQL Database in PHP, We get a result from the query if the query is successfully executed. Once a result is obtained, you need to access data from it. For,  this, we have different types of MySQL fetch functions. These functions read a row of  data  and  returns it in different formats. For example,  as an object or  as a simple array or  as an associative array.  So based on requirement you need to choose the fetch function. This tutorial shows some frequently used mysqli_fetch functions and how to use them. It will also show the result of each fetch function with an example output. Table of contents   PHP mysqli_fetch_row() Function   PHP mysqli_fetch_array() Fu...